Lets find out answer to the popular questions- Do penis enlargement pills actually work? Later we’ll find penis enlargement pills that work.
People from around the world want to know if medical science has grown up to the level at which penis enlargement is possible by intake of pills. And people deserve to ask this question and other similar questions like- what penis enlargement pills work? how do penis enlargement pills work? We’ll try to answer similar questions in this post.
To answer the question do penis enlargement pills work, we need to find out answers to many questions like what are penis enlargement pills, their ingredients, and how they work.
There is no source available on penis enlargement pills that work, and we can rely on it. So only way left in front of us is Try them on ourselves.
We are 2 guys, and we figured out 2 most popular penis enlargement pills, one for each of us:
- VigRX Plus: One of the most talked about penis enlargement pills. It is mainly penis enlargement (both length and girth) focused pill. Other results are better erections, increased sexual desire, intense orgasm. In most of the cases, VigRX Plus reported working even better when it is taken with Semenax.
- Extenze: Another popular penis enlargement pills. Like VigRX Plus, Extenze is also focused on penis enlargement and over all growth in sexual quality.
If these two popular penis pills worked then, we can confidently say that… Yes, penis enlargement pills work.
We both regularly take VigRX Plus and Extenze. Please note that one guy take VigRX Plus and other guy take Extenze. After first month of regular consumption, we don’t see any difference in penis size. They both worked for getting even better erections and yes, we both felt that our sexual desire increased upto some extent.
After second month, we have to say that there were some results. VigRX Plus increased girth more than length, while Extenze increased length and no effect on girth. Overall sexual quality was improved by this time, and partner reported it.
After third month, a measurable difference was there in penis size. Extenze increased girth as well this time. We have to say that VigRX Plus results seems to be even better than Extenze.
After forth month, no doubt penis size is increased. Both VigRX Plus and Extenze worked well for both of us. Overall sexual quality become quite impressive. VigRX Plus results are better, may be because of Semenax used with it.
After 4 months, we are able to answer the question “Do penis enlargement pills work?” in “YES“.
Besides this experiment, if we look on reliable resources on internet, like Wikipedia, Amazon reviews, Yahoo answers, top forums, then we’ll found there are lot of other real consumers reviewing positive.
Guys often ask questions like- do any penis enlargement pills work? Penis enlargement pills that really work? Which penis enlargement pills work? What penis enlargement pills work? We can now confidently answer them in one word– VigRX Plus.

Jackie Hogan, MS, RD is a registered dietitian based in Los Angeles. She is a member of the California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (CAND-LAD) and the Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine Practice Group and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Jackie has been featured on Women’s Health, Fitness Magazine, Women’s Fitness, and Men’s Fitness magazine.