The topic of male enhancement isn’t something that most men are comfortable discussing. However, millions of men look for ways to help improve their sexual performance on a daily basis. Regardless of age, you may find that a male enhancement supplement can help to increase and improve sexual performance. There are many male enhancement supplements that are available over-the-counter and have the ability to produce results within 30 minutes of taking them. If you are looking to help increase your stamina, have longer erections, gain more powerful orgasms and increase your libido, then you may want to consider trying an all-natural male enhancement supplement.
Due to the fact that there are so many male enhancement pills to choose from, you may not know just where to begin. To help you choose the best male enhancement supplement for your specific needs, we have done all of the research for you. We have looked at all of the different penis enlargement pills and all-natural male enhancement pills, and we have determined which ones may work best for you based on ingredients and efficacy.
We highly suggest using male enhancement supplements that do not contain any potentially dangerous ingredients like Yohimbe. This is an ingredient that can have potentially harmful side effects. We DO NOT recommend using any male enhancement supplement that contains this ingredient. We have also looked at performance, how soon the product will work, and the price. For more information on which male enhancement supplement may work best for you, please take a look at the grid below.
How to Increase Penis Girth
Currently, there are many treatments, which all characteristics of the penis can be improved without having to resort to an expensive and dangerous operation. Our goal is to all readers provide sufficient information on the various methods available to them to facilitate the decision.
We have analyzed all methods available for penis extension and compared, and can assure you that both the length and the scale in a relatively simple manner and quite without increased side effects can be. Virtually all treatments, methods and products that we refer to are based on the same principles. For this reason, it is important to know our readers and members of the structure of the penis.
Why does the penis grow?
Both the pills and extensors, as well as with the exercises, you can forward to your penis the necessary resources, and nutrients to with no side effects and without damage to your health, affecting growth of the penis.
Penis Enlargement Pills
The pills effect of penis enlargement pills based on the fact that the size of the penis by the accumulated amount of blood in the erectile tissue is determined. The pills are based on completely natural ingredients compiled by stimulating blood flow to the penis. Thus, more blood is drawn into the penis and stimulate growth. In addition, ingredients that promote the formation of testosterone and dilatation. be filled in with more blood to the erectile tissues, including the erection of the penis function is improved. The erectile tissue expand and natural growth of the track and in the scale is reached.
In the fall case of the Stretcher is the action of a little different than that of pills. It is based on the reaction capacity of the tissue when it is exposed to a continuous traction force, This leads to increased cell division of the penile tissue. Most extensors exercise for a longer period for a pulling force from 600 to 1500 grams on the penis. Such an adaptive response of the cell structure occurs in the penis. In effect, an increase in the length and volume is achieved.
Penis Enlargement Exercises
These In Exercises are different, easy to execute training methods for the erectile tissue, and the sponge Threshold artery. With a few minutes of time every day where you follow the exercise program, will increase achieved in terms of both length and scope. The techniques are based on the research and studies, which were in 1970 by Dr. Brian Richards conducted in England. The British Journal of Sexual Medicine reported on the impressive results, Dr. Richards was able to observe with his method. Based on his discovery and the jelq exercises modern exercise programs have been developed.
Penis Enlargement Surgery
Surgery, this method is based on the elongation of different bands (looped the limb) that connect the penis with the bones of the pubic bone. Thus, finally, an extension of the penis is caused. To achieve the selfsame thickening fat is injected under the skin. Like any other operation also, it is expensive and dangerous, so we do not recommend it. Despite everything, you should think about to find out about an operation, we recommend that you always obtain information about the surgeons.
Penis Enlargement Vacuum Pumps
Vacuum pump enlargement theory, this method is to introduce the penis into a cylinder from the air is removed and a vacuum is created. The penis is blowing on to the resulting empty space to fill. We strongly advise against this method, since no long-term growth is achieved and excessive pressure caused by a serious injury to the penis can.
Penis Enlargement Weights
Weights This is one of the oldest and most ancient techniques penis growth by the pulling force of weights. Of course, we do not recommend this method because it more dangerous than the preceding one can be.
2nd My personal situation to know and evaluate
It is fundamental that you evaluate before any treatment, technology or product, first carefully consider the situation where you are and be clear about what you are looking for. In this way you will be aware of what you need and what you really want.
We therefore advise you that you get the last section, where you have enough information on the penis, its anatomy and its problems … get. This will help you understand why people have different penis sizes and that there are very effective treatments, which can be reached easily and comfortably in both the length and circumference in an enlargement.
After you have considered your situation and evaluate and get to know what you want, you are ready to move to the next phase.
3rd Evaluation of the different treatments
As you have already, there are many effective products to the length and scope to improve the penis. All products that we are referring to our site efficiently, and have no side effects on health.
What do I need RULES when I rate a question?
Quality and product reliability (eu registration) of the product or treatment
You should always choose products that are registered in the EU, which assure the freshness and the quality of the ingredients in their plucking, manufacturing and marketing in the future. Find more products that meet that condition. The only way to guarantee optimal results. There are products which have drawn on its website for certificates, the analysis of each component list and additional information that may appear very interesting.
They do not trust the big discounts
Do not trust company that promises you 50% or save to grow your penis longer than 7cm can, as this is completely impossible. The only reason why they expect these savings as opposed to other companies because their products are of very poor quality, which can be reached only with great difficulty extending effects and which may even be harmful to health. We recommend you always spend a bit more money and to buy products with better quality.
Beware of the products that contain Yohimbe
Now you under any circumstances, a product that contains Yohimbe. It is not surprising as an ingredient Yohimbe, which is classified on the list of the FDA as a hazardous substance.
Buy products with money-back guarantee
We believe it is FUNDAMENTAL that the products have a money-back guarantee. Remember that if a company offers a trusted and safe money-back guarantee, this is because they are convinced that their product really works. If not, is always the doubt whether it will really work. We do not recommend advice you not to buy products that do not have a trusted and safe money-back guarantee.
They should be developed by real doctors
Many sites indicate that their products are “medically tested, but this is far from it. To be truly been tested medically, it must have at least one signed by a physician report. Find products that are recommended by specialists. There are some products, the efficiency of up to 3 doctors confirmed what assures us the absolute quality and safety of these products.
Reviews that are signed by clients
On all websites to penis enlargement reviews from apparently satisfied customers are offered. However, the authenticity can be established only if they were also signed. Thus, there are companies that provide signed reports which you have been sent by customers. However, we can not know exactly how effective the product really is.
Trust website with extensive information
It is clear that Internet sites that offer much information to know, really, what they offer to their customers, while short of websites that we do not offer these are usually just copies. This is also reflected that short web pages, no certificates, physicians who testify to the efficiency or have signed witness reports. Information is fundamental for us.
4th Select the right product for my personal situation
Now is the time at which you choose one of the various treatments, after all the previously listed information in our Adviser have read.
Before you make your final decision, we encourage you to remember and to get a general overview of all treatments, once again our section comparing the treatments to visit “in which we summarize the main characteristics of each individual, their prices … . constitute Do not forget that cheap can cost often expensive.
Preparing For Your Male Enlargement Plans
Achieving male enhancement might have once seemed like a private and secretive subject, but in today’s modern world, everyone is looking for a way to improve their health, their sexual encounters, and their overall quality of life. Talking about male enlargement has become fairly commonplace; most men, if you ask them, will admit wishing they could have a little extra when it comes to penis size and sexual endurance. There are plenty of pills, potions, powders, exercises, and devices on the market to assist with that endeavor. When you’re considering taking this step, there are a few things you need to know first. Educate yourself on what it means to try and enhance or increase the size of your sexual organs. Here are some tips:
Tip 1: You’re Probably Not That Small
If you spend a lot of time comparing yourself to what you see in movies, in the locker room, or in magazines, you’re bound to feel a little inferior. However, studies show that the average penis size is 6.5 inches. You probably fall somewhere close to that measurement. So, don’t spend a lot of time worrying that you’re too small or that you won’t be enough. When you’re trying to increase the size of your penis and the success of your performance, you don’t want to be hampered by the insecurity that nothing will ever be enough.
Tip 2: You Have Options
There are a lot of things you can do to achieve enhancement or a temporary penis enlargement. You can focus on different kinds of foods, engage in specific exercises on a daily basis, or take pills that will increase the flow of blood to your genitals. You can use devices such as pumps that will help with blood circulation, and get your penis ready to grow in size and intensity before you begin a romantic encounter. Take the time to explore each possibility and make a decision based on what would work best for your lifestyle, your budget, and your time.
Tip 3: Resist Overdoing It
No matter what method you choose to enlarge your penis, you don’t want to get carried away. Moderation is important, because if you try to stimulate yourself too much or work too hard to increase the blood flow to this area of your body, you could have the reverse effect. Take your time and space out the intervals in which you use a penis pump or apply a lotion. If you start to feel pain or any unpleasant sensations, cease what you’re doing and give it a rest.
Tip 4: Order from Reputable Retailers
Finally, make sure you are purchasing high quality products from a company that has a good reputation for customer service and outstanding penis enlargement supplies. Whether you’re buying a supplement, a lotion, or a device, you want to make sure it’s going to be safe and effective. Take the time to read customer reviews so you know how things work for other men. Communicate with your partner so you know exactly what your goals are and how you’ll know you’ve achieved them. Ordering these products online can be a great way to get what you need quickly and discretely, but you want to make sure you know what you’re getting.
When it comes to male enhancement, there are a number of possibilities. Keep your expectations reasonable, and let yourself enjoy the process of increasing the size and intensity of your manhood. This is something that should be fun for you and your partner, and while you need to take it seriously, you don’t want to become completely obsessed.
Preparing For Your Male Enlargement Plans
You can find hundreds of products that promise male enlargement, but you need to be sure you know what you’re getting. If there is a natural way to increase the size and hardness of your sexual organ, it’s a good idea to explore those options first. For example, eating a specific diet or concentrating on certain foods will not be a magical cure for turning a small penis into a large one, but they can help support your other efforts and put you on a path towards achieving the sexual look and feel that you desire. If you want a larger, firmer penis but you’re not sure you’re ready to try pills, pumps, lotions, or other things – consider making a few changes to your diet.
Why Foods Matter
To look and feel larger, your penis needs to receive an increased amount of blood and oxygen. This is what makes your penis perform like a larger organ. When that blood is full of valuable nutrients that contribute to an increase in oxygen, you have an even better chance of experiencing male enhancement, particularly during times of arousal and sexual intercourse. So, your goal is to increase the nutritional value of your blood, which can be done with specific foods and ingredients.
In addition to using nutrients to get a larger penis, you will also benefit from those nutrients by allowing your penis to recover faster and more completely. Preparing for pleasure takes a lot from your body, and it can deplete any of the strength and stamina you might have relied upon in the bedroom. There are foods you can eat that help you to replenish those nutrients and oxygen and provide your body with the tools it needs to repair itself and be ready for another romantic session when necessary.
Choosing What to Eat
When you’re looking for foods that will help you increase the size and strength of your penis, look to proteins and other flavonoids that will increase the circulation of blood. For example, fish that’s high in omega 3 fatty acids will be extremely beneficial to your sex life. This includes salmon, mackerel, and other oily fish.
You should also cook with cayenne pepper as often as possible. If you enjoy juicing or making smoothies, add a little bit to your concoction, or sprinkle it over your salad and other vegetables. This spice really gets your circulation going. Ginger is another good one; it stimulates the flow of blood and the transport of oxygen to all your organs, including the penis.
Dark chocolate is also a good way to jump start your blood circulation, which is good news for your penis enlargement plans. Look for a chocolate product that is high in cocoa and organic. The flavonoids are free flowing in those types of chocolates, and your blood circulation will benefit. Additionally, chocolate is a pretty romantic food itself, so should be shared liberally when trying to impress a partner. Just remember to stick to the dark chocolate which is higher in cocoa than in sugar.
Male enhancement does not need to come in the form of a pill, powder, exercise, or apparatus. You don’t need to resort to surgery. See what you can do about increasing your size and stamina naturally. Increasing the blood flow to your penis is one way to start that. Eating foods that promote blood circulation can also be done in conjunction with other solutions, such as a penis pump or pills that will increase your size. When you’re serious about improving how you feel about your penis and your sexual performance, you need to be creative.
Measuring Your Male Enlargement Success
Taking male enhancement pills or using other products can bring you a number of benefits. If you’re serious about improving your sexual health and you want to increase your size and/or your performance, you’ll need to know how to measure your success. With all the different pills, lotions, and exercises available, you want to make sure you’re directing your resources towards something that works. Every man will respond a little differently to each plan for penis enlargement or pill that promises to improve sexual performance. You might have to try several things and figure out what is providing you with the best results. Know how to measure those results.
Measuring Size Increases
When male enlargement is your primary goal, it’s easy enough to measure your size before taking pills and products, and comparing that to your measurements after you have taken those products. Just remember that this isn’t as simple as comparing numbers. While many of the pills, supplements, and other products that you take to enjoy a larger penis will make your sexual organ bigger, the results may only be temporary. There’s little you can do, short of surgery, to ensure that you have a permanently larger penis.
Instead of physically altering the composition of your body, penis enlargement products will help you achieve a larger size for a temporary period of time. Blood flow is increased to the organ, which gives it the look and feel of something bigger. You’ll need to get the timing right so you can be sure that your penis will be bigger when it needs to be. Measure those moments so you can get an idea of whether or not you’re growing in size enough that your expectations are met. Any increase is a good increase, remember. Keep your expectations reasonable.
Measuring Performance Benefits
Measuring performance should be easy as well. If you’re able to have sex for a longer period of time, or if you can stay hard longer to prolong your partner’s pleasure, or delay ejaculation, you know your enhancement products are working. When the goal is to be a better lover, you will know if you’re accomplishing that. Keep the lines of communication open with your partner so you know if there is a difference in the way you are able to perform. Duration and stamina are your key indicators here, but pleasure should also be included.
Better Pleasure for You and Your Partner
The final way to measure your success, then, is by determining whether you enjoy sex more when you’re taking enlargement pills or enhancement products. If they work the way they should, you ought to enjoy sex more. The additional blood flow to your penis should increase your ability to have an orgasm, and the additional stamina and the larger and harder organ should better serve your partner. Satisfaction can be tricky to measure, but you can pay special attention to the physical cues from your partner and notice what kind of orgasms you’re able to achieve. Make sure you talk about what’s working and what’s not. That intimate communication will help you determine whether it’s the enhancement and enlargement products that are contributing to better sex.
Knowing what works and what doesn’t work is crucial to maximizing the success of your sexual improvements. Whether you’re working with pills or pumps or other products that promise to deliver, you need to hold them accountable to your standards. No one product is going to be magical or perfect. However, when you pay for something, you expect it to make a difference. Measure your success, and change course if you need to redirect your resources.

Jackie Hogan, MS, RD is a registered dietitian based in Los Angeles. She is a member of the California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (CAND-LAD) and the Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine Practice Group and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Jackie has been featured on Women’s Health, Fitness Magazine, Women’s Fitness, and Men’s Fitness magazine.