Nugenix – Want To Try? See Reviews – Learn More

All About Nugenix

Introduction to Nugenix

NugenixFor many men; when they reach the age of 40 – 50 years old, their bodies tend to rebel on them. One way this can be detrimental is in their sexual lives. Sexual (or erectile) dysfunction is a sensitive topic that these same men are reluctant to talk about, even to their own doctors. They may feel all alone and like nobody really understands this problem they are having. In actuality nothing can be further from the truth. MANY men suffer from this problem and MANY men’s health experts DO understand it. Their problems with ED stem from their bodies no longer producing enough testosterone (or sex hormones.) Not only do testosterone levels have an effect on a man’s sex life, but also on their health in general. It can lead to a man literally being afraid to go home to his wife. He knows what she will want from him in the bedroom, yet he is physically unable to deliver for her.

The general health effects I am referring to are not necessarily physical in nature, but can adversely affect a man’s mental and emotional health. From the initial onset of ED, a man begins to worry about his performance and his ability to “get it up” when he attempts to make love to his wife. The longer this continues the more worried he becomes, until it becomes actual fear on his part. It can even lead to depression and more fear that his wife will leave him. The latter fear can turn into a reality if it is left untreated and if a man ignores this problem. Until now the over-the-counter remedies; or even some remedies prescribed by doctors, have been ineffective. However; now there is Nugenix!

Nugenix is a revolutionary type of oral remedy (it comes in the form of a pill) that can virtually eliminate a man’s low testosterone problems when taken over a period of time. Most men who use it will begin to notice its positive effects on their bodies within a week or two. It is possible that for some men, the desired results will take a little longer to manifest themselves. It is also recommended that men continue to take it throughout the remainder of their lifetime in order to maintain these positive changes in their bodies. It is highly recommended that you discuss this remedy with your own doctor before beginning, just as you would before beginning any other type of regimen that will affect your body.

What is Nugenix?

The creators of Nugenix realized there were two types of testosterone in every man. One is the “free” testosterone and the other is “bonded” testosterone. By itself bonded testosterone is pretty much useless. It is bound up and does not connect with a man’s brain receptors or muscles. Free testosterone is utilized by a man’s body right away by entering your bloodstream and cells. It is the driving force behind muscle strength and stamina and also driving your libido and overall vitality. The combination of these things will make most men feel extremely young and invigorated. Of these two; the free type of testosterone is vitally important to your feeling much better, both in the bedroom and when you are working out in the gym. Nugenix is a kind of treatment that boosts testosterone hormones when exercise and a good diet are not enough to bring you the desired results. It is a breakthrough product of an all-natural nature that has been proven to invigorate the body of a man and increase his libido.

While it is similar to Vimax Pills and Progene, Nugenix is a far superior product with proven extraordinary results. It features a blend of natural herbs and extracts which assist a man’s body in restoring its own natural production of free testosterone levels. It was developed; and is produced, under the most strict laboratory conditions under the “current good manufacturing practices.” This means that it was made using the same equipment that is used when producing prescription drugs. All of this is under the extremely tight regulations set forth by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA.) The manufacturing of Nugenix is always done under the ever watchful eye of the FDA.

Nugenix is produced by a company called Direct Digital LLC whose offices are based in Massachusetts and North Carolina. Their actual laboratories are located in Florida and Utah. It is highly recommended by many doctors in the treatment of men with testosterone problems. This product is an all-natural substance that utilizes the extracts of natural herbs in its production. Although testosterone boosters can be injectable or used in a cream or a gel form, it comes in the form of a pill. Doctors tend to recommend it when weight training and cardio exercises (as well as a proper diet) are not enough to help with this ailment.

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Ingredients Used in Nugenix

The primary ingredient found in Nugenix is called Testofen. This is made of 50% extraction from a plant known as the fenugreek. Nugenix effectively combines the Testofen with an ingredient called Caltrops and also other Prosexual nutrients. The use of fenugreek is known amongst ancient cultures as a remedy for male virility. In studies of the ingredient in Irvine, California and Queensland, Australia it was proven that Testofen produced positive free testosterone levels in the men who took it. The combination of these three ingredients will help the amounts of free testosterone in a man’s body increase and will effectively increase his ability to resume sexual activities with his wife. Other ingredients found in Nugenix are L-Citrulline, TribulusTerrestrisand Zinc. Important vitamins included in Nugenix are b6 and 50 mcg of b12.

In Nugenix, the ingredient Testofen has been clinically studied in labs and was proven to dramatically increase testosterone levels. In actuality it is a patented version of something known as Fenugreek Extract, which for the most part is found in the more ancient cultures of the Middle East and southern Europe. The ingredient L-citrulline is a type of amino acid and is also noted to assist in boosting testosterone levels, as is the mineral zinc. Tribulus Terrestis is also known to aid in this kind of activity, particularly when combined with these other ingredients. The ingredients in Nugenix will also help further your overall health in addition to enhancing your sexual performance. It will neutralize your ED problems and help you once again enjoy making love to your wife. Plus it will give you a much desired boost in your physical fitness workouts in the gym. You no longer have to fear going home or letting other people see you work out in your favorite gym.

What Will Nugenix Do for You?

You may have tried other testosterone boosters with no results, so now you are skeptical about trying Nugenix. This is surely understandable. However, MANY people with the same experiences as you have now tried this and absolutely love it. It can do for you what it did for them. Advocates of this product say they have so much more energy now; both in the gym and in their bedrooms. When they exercise themselves with whatever form of workout they do; after trying Nugenix for just a couple of weeks, they find they perform better and are less tired afterwards. Additionally people who have physically demanding jobs; such as firefighters or constructions workers, are discovering they also have more energy on their jobs. Their productivity has increased, as has their stamina. No longer are they extremely tired after an especially physically active day. Then they are able to maintain that energy level once they return home. This includes when their wives want sexual relations with them. Not only do they have an increased desire to make love, but their erectile dysfunction problems virtually disappear.

The key ingredient – Testofen – has several benefits for the men who take it through Nugenix. First it increases their desire for sexual activity and also the stamina they will need throughout their love making session. Next, it increases the men’s sperm production. This is particularly helpful if their wives want to have children. But in addition to the sexual benefits there are other reasons to take Nugenix. This product improved the overall health of the men (as we mentioned earlier,) and their general mood. Their physical body muscle size was well-maintained, even without exercising. Plus they saw a great reduction in their stubborn body fat. All of these are excellent reasons to try using Nugenix.

Let us now focus on a couple of other things Nugenix can do for you. As we already stated, there are more benefits to using it than just sexual activity increasing. We mentioned the positive effects Nugenix can have on your physical performance and stamina. It has also been found to increase mental energy levels and concentration levels. The ability for a man to mentally focus on whatever he is doing will also be greatly improved as well. We may have also already discussed the improvements it can have on a man’s mood. This has been known to be a lasting effect. The results of these findings can include a decrease in caffeinated drinks such as coffee or energy drinks. You can reduce your consumption of these drinks and replace them with a Nugenix serving or two. Of course doing this is healthier for you overall too.

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Side-Effects versus Benefits of Nugenix

NugenixThere have been reports of some side effects from taking Nugenix, as reported by SOME users. These have included an upset stomach, diarrhea, gas and bloating. Other men have noticed nasal congestion, headaches, coughing/wheezing and swelling of the facial area. In rare cases hair loss was reported. However, it should be noted that only SOME of the men who have taken Nugenix have experienced any of these side effects. MANY men who use it do not experience any of these very often, if at all. When side effects have been reported there was a lack of evidence showing that they were caused by Nugenix. As with anything you consume orally; it is wise to check with your own doctor before trying it to begin with, just to be on the safe side.

That said, it should be also noted that Nugenix has been researched and created by experts and by utilizing findings by other experts in men’s healthcare. This is not a product that was carelessly created and put on the market in order to generate a dollar. A lot of people put a lot of time and effort into making sure all of the finest ingredients went into this product. As we already stated, it is continuously monitored under the watchful eye of the FDA. They would never let a product be sold that was not deemed safe and fit for human consumption.

How does Nugenix work? How do I benefit from taking it? The answers to those questions really are not a mystery. The extremely potent feelings that men who use Nugenix experience come from the combination of the Testofen and the Tribulus Terrestris. The other ingredients; like the zinc and vitamins, assist the male body with muscle gain, reduced weight and improved cardio activity, all in addition to increasing sexual stamina and performance. The cumulative effect of these ingredients is frequently known as the “Nugenix Testosterone Complex.”

The Nugenix Testosterone Complex is actually the results of the combination of all the ingredients it contains. While the Testofen is the primary ingredient, the addition of the other ingredients combined to augment that one. The other ingredients in Nugenix complement the Testofen and together make for a potent, yet safe remedy for decreased testosterone production in the male body.

In the long run the benefits of taking Nugenix far outweigh the negatives from any POSSIBLE side effects that MIGHT occur. The key here is to take it as prescribed. DO NOT take more than the recommended dosage for ANY reason, even if you feel as though the positive effects from Nugenix are diminishing. When you start taking matters into your own hands and exceed the recommended dosage that is when problems may arise. Again, it is highly advisable to consult with your doctor; both PRIOR to beginning to take Nugenix, and periodically over the years while you are continuing to take it. Whatever advice your doctor gives you, be sure to follow it.

Directions for Taking Nugenix

As taken from the website of Nugenix – free testosterone booster we quote the following. “The recommended usage instructions are to take 3 capsules, at the same time, on an empty stomach. On days you work out, you may find it more beneficial to take 30 – 45 minutes before working out. On non workout days, we recommend taking it in the morning. The recommended dosage is 3 capsules, however if you feel the need to slightly increase the dosage by 1 – 2 capsules, that will still be in a safe tolerance zone.”

Where to Find Nugenix

You can find out if you are qualified for the 14-day trial right on the Nugenix website: If you love the product; as we are certain you will, you can return to the website and order it directly from there. However, Nugenix can now be found on the website and in all GNC and Vitamin Shoppe stores across the United States, as well as other popular drug-store chains where over-the-counter pharmaceuticals can be found. Although it is very wise to consult your doctor prior to beginning to use, it is NOT required that you get a prescription for it.

More Information on Nugenix

Once again, the best place to go for more information on Nugenix is right to the source – their website: . Or go to a source called “” for numerous unbiased reviews. Additionally information on Nugenix can be found on the Amazon, GNC and Vitamin Shoppe websites as well. More comprehensive information can be seen on websites such as the Consumer Health Digest, Diet, Supplement Critique and also Supplement Geek. If videos are your thing you can find some specifically on Nugenix on YouTube. For a combination of video-type information and some unbiased reviews and opinions on it go to the website Pinterest and search directly for Nugenix. There are a number of different pertinent boards on there you can choose to follow for current information, in addition to being kept informed on future user updates on this excellent male virility remedy. You can also do the same thing on Facebook and/or Twitter and become friends with other users of Nugenix on there. It might even be possible to join a Facebook or Twitter group specifically for Nugenix users. You might be able to find more information on Nugenix on other social media sites, as it becomes more popular. If there is none on your favorite site right now, keep checking back as that is likely to change in the very near future.

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Current Users Swear by Nugenix

As with any product or service there are bound to be some complaints. When you do a search for Nugenix on your favorite search engine, no doubt you will find some of those. You will also no doubt realize the people giving the negative reviews are NOT men’s health experts. More than likely they are just men concerned with getting their 15-minutes-of-fame on the Internet. However, do note that the Better Business Bureau gives the product Nugenix an A rating. Also take notice of the fact that there are far more positive comments and reviews. Most men that are currently using it rave about how fantastic a product it has been for them. The good reviews completely outnumber any complaints.

Conclusion About Nugenix

If you are contemplating starting a health regimen that includes Nugenix; once again, talk to your doctor first. DO NOT be embarrassed about this. Your doctor has heard many stories such as yours and knows the proper ways to treat your erectile dysfunction and low testosterone problems. Also remember the doctor-patient confidentiality rules. Nobody else will know about this. One other person you ought to discuss this with though is your wife. She is the other person who is directly affected by your problems. Plus you more than likely consider her to be your best friend. Talk to her about your problems and your intent to fix them by taking Nugenix. She will probably be thrilled by your candor and your desires to fix things.

When you do begin taking Nugenix, do realize this is NOT an overnight solution. You might see some improvements right away, or it could take a few weeks. Every man has a different body and treatments like Nugenix may work differently for all of them. But do not be so quick to give up on it. Give it a chance to make your ED/low testosterone problems disappear before you think about complaining to the manufacturer. Many men love this! Many men’s health experts love this product! The Food & Drug Administration is behind this remedy. Surely they cannot all be wrong, now can they?

As we mentioned in an earlier paragraph you can get a lot more information on Nugenix by going onto your favorite Internet search engine and typing in its name. You will find pages and pages of helpful information. Don’t forget to utilize your social media sites. In today’s modern world they can be extremely helpful for finding unbiased opinions about anything. Perhaps your doctor knows of some local focus groups that discuss all of the aspects; leading up to and including the usage of, Nugenix. Perhaps if you speak with other men you will learn to feel comfortable speaking about it directly with your wife. It can also be a great source of comfort for you knowing you are not alone. But one thing is certain. You no longer have to feel as though there is no hope for your low testosterone problems. Now there is Nugenix! Put out by men, for men and used by only men; this will surely be one spectacular remedy for you to use. It will treat your masculine problems and ensure you once again enjoy going home and making love to your wife. Enjoy the rest of your life!!!

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