How To Lose Weight At Home

To lose weight requires you to follow a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise. But exercise doesn’t have to mean going to a gym – so here’s some tips on how to lose weight at home without having to worry about expensive gym fees or having the time to get there several times a week.

1. How To Lose Weight At Home By Fasting

Fasting in this case doesn’t mean going without food altogether – it means having one or two days a week where you just eat (or should I say drink) juices made form fresh fruits and vegetables. You still gets lots of nutrients from the juices (and lots of healthy soluble fiber), but this really helps detox your body and get your body burning fat.

2. How To Lose Weight At Home Through Exercise

There’s lots of exercises to lose weight you can do at home – either with free exercises (using your body as resistance) or by purchasing a treadmill or exercise bike. Stairmasters and treadclimbers are also great exercise equipment for burning off extra calories and improving your cardio health and fitness. Whichever piece of equipment you decide to buy you should aim to buy the highest quality make you can afford. Better quality equipment will give you a better workout and last much longer – probably a lifetime.

3. How To Lose Weight At Home With Exercise Videos

The best exercise to lose weight is anything that is considered aerobic. Exercising with treadmills and exercise bikes is aerobic, as is working out to a home fitness or exercise video. Aerobic exercise increases your heart rate and breathing rate, and this in turn helps your body to burn stored fat to create the extra energy it needs to perform the exercises. But don’t follow the same exercise routine all the time – have 4 of 5 videos that you really like and keep switching.

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4. How To Lose Weight At Home With Weight Training

You could buy a home gym or just some free weights with some dumbbells and barbells. Weight training helps burn off lots of calories and increases your muscle mass. The act of weight training itself doesn’t burn fat, but the extra muscle mass you will build will help burn off extra calories, even when you’re not working out.

5. How To Lose Weight At Home Or Outdoors

Walking, running and cycling are great aerobic exercises and consequently great ways to burn off extra calories and fat reserves. If this is your preferred method of exercise, try to walk, run or cycle at least three times a week – ideally five times a week. You could walk to work, or get off the bus several stops early and walk the last mile or so. Take the kids for a long walk, run or bike ride in your local park at weekends.

So, if you really want to know how to lose weight at home, hopefully these weight loss tips will help get you started. Get started today and by the end of the week you’ll feel like a whole new person.

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